At last - one job finished Posted Thursday, 08th February 2007 at 23:31:30 Well, my original plan called for this layout to be largely complete (although never finished) within a couple of years!
Not a lot to report although work continues Posted Friday, 17th March 2006 at 23:36:20 As i mentioned in my previous entry, the new hidden sidings needed their points wiring.
More work done - even though I hadn't realised that I needed to! Posted Thursday, 02nd February 2006 at 18:25:27 One of the problems when one can only work on the model at sometimes lengthy intervals is that you forget what you have done and what you need to do! Like more point motors.
It worked! Posted Friday, 13th January 2006 at 21:12:50 Well ...... nearly!
At last - all the track now laid Posted Thursday, 12th January 2006 at 22:53:44 Over the last few days I have managed to spend about an hour on the layout every day. Finally, last night, the last (I think!) piece of track was fitted in place!
Notes on how to solve a screw-up! And web-site improvements Posted Wednesday, 04th January 2006 at 23:19:41 After the long interval with no work on layout or website, I have suddenly managed two days on both!
A whole year has passed with little progress Posted Tuesday, 3rd January 2006 at 22:55:48 Yes - I'm afraid it has been a year since the last entry. Sadly this does pretty well reflect the work done on the layout.
Another long period of silence - in part at least due to the Festering, sorry, Festive season. Posted Monday, 3rd January 2005 at 22:47:45 Nonetheless work has progressed in the first scenic section. The tree referred to above has been completed together with most of the fencing.
More scenery, trees and track Posted Sunday, 11th December 2004 at 22:40:34 Despite the 3 weeks of silence work has continued apace on the first scenic section.
More scenic work - and one way of tree modelling Posted Wednesday, 24th November 2004 at 22:35:08 Work has continued on the scenery. Most of the lifting baseboard now has the various grasses etc in place although these have not yet been coloured and much remains to be done.
Scenic work continues and some backscenes made and fitted Posted Saturday, 13th November 2004 at 22:24:44 More progress has been made on the scenery and part of this can be seen in Gallery 2 again.
At last - the first bit of scenery completed Posted Sunday, 7th November 2004 at 22:17:03 The first scenery finishing touches have been applied to the embankment to the left of and in front of the bridge (see last picture in Gallery 1- "before" and first picture in Gallery 2 - "after").
Some scenic work started Posted Saturday, 6th November 2004 at 22:11:58 Obviously the modelling season must be well under way as there is yet another update in less than a week!
Little progress for some time due to other commitments Posted Saturday, 30th October 2004 at 22:08:56 Since previous diary entry progress has been sporadic. Most of the Spring, Summer and early Autumn was devoted to home improvements and conservation work - yet another of my hobbies.
Slow but sure progress and some design changes Posted Saturday, 13th March 2004 at 22:05:26 With looking after a friend's shop while she was on holiday and continuing work on building the conservatory, progress has been slower than I would wish - but nonetheless, substantial.
Work continues as and when time permits (i.e. spasmodically). Posted Monday, 2nd February 2004 at 21:55:22 Three separate aspects of the layout are being pursued simultaneously. While this might seem strange I find that I can usually do this in the early stages of layout construction and as a result do the job I feel most like!
Track laying well under way Posted Tuesday, 13th January 2004 at 21:44:11 While work has commenced on track laying with the station throat, a double track continuous run was laid temporarily to allow some trains to be run immediately. This has proved to be great fun but does tend to slow down the construction work.
Baseboards completed Posted Friday, 31st October 2003 at 21:23:05 This saw the completion of the baseboards. Construction methods were very conventional utilising 50mm x 26mm planed timber frames surfaced with 6mm MDF board. This is not a lightweight construction but sturdy, and portability was not a major issue.